ocean waves brandon imbriale

The Ocean Waves

Brandon Imbriale

brandon imbriale
Brandon Imbriale

This photographer captures hundreds of stunning photos and videos from inside breaking waves. Surfer Brandon Imbriale, from Riverside, California regularly posts the stunning images and footage on Instagram for his 12K+ followers.

Brandon never seen himself to be an overly artistic person, and still does not consider himself much of an artist. While on Instagram, seeing the amazing photos and motions he captures, we think differently. Those shots definitely makes him an emerging artist/photographer.

Brandon got into photography about five years ago when he was gifted a GoPro camera for Christmas. Growing up in Southern California, he always spent time at the beach, surfing, swimming, and anything else people do at the beach. When he got the GoPro, Brandon decided that he needed to start doing “cool things to” make use of the camera. He loves the ocean (we love it too) and decided to make use of it and take photos of waves. Beginning to learn style and technique from other people, the artist started an Instagram account to showcase his work.

After five years Brandon have found new ways to make his work fresh and interesting. He began animating still photos to highlight the movement of the water. In recent years his work has been featured on websites, in publications, on Instagram pages like @gopro and @wsl, and one of his animations even got featured in “And Two If by Sea” an award winning documentary about CJ and Damien Hobgood.

In his words,

– I pride myself on having my own unique style of ocean and wave photography, and always look for new ways for people to be excited about my work.

avg surfer

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