
TXTmoji Giveaway with Your Custom Emoji Message

There is no doubt that emojis can convey much more meaning and help express thoughts and feelings a lot better than just words alone. That is, most likely, the main reason why we use them every day to communicate with our friends and loved ones. A simple emoji can make us laugh, smile, giggle, feel loved, and even set the mood for some spicy romance. 😉

The idea behind TXTmoji is quite simple – We would like to transfer those messages and ideas from our mobile devices to our daily lives by placing emojis on our favorite, most useful day-to-day belongings. Want to let someone know how much you care?…Say it with emojis. Want to warn someone you are not in the mood?…Say it with emojis. Want to let someone know you are interested in some spicy romance?…Say it with emojis. 😉

TXTmoji offer a selection of predefined emoji messages on their products already, but if you have your own personal message you would like to translate to emojis, you can do your own tailored translation and customize the products of your choice.

We will randomly pick 3 winners and the prize goes as follows: 1st winner get to choose 3 products, 2nd winner can choose 2 products and 3rd winner will be choosing 1 product respectively.

Want some inspiration?

Check out what TXTmoji have on their products and get inspired to win and create your own.


Bananas For You


This Party Is Shit


No Fighting


Please Don’t Go


Sweet Boobies


Sweet Baby Girl